Deb smiling

I've had to go through a lot of treatment on my own, but I feel really positive

When Deb was diagnosed with DCIS last year, she didn’t panic. Now, she’s just finished radiotherapy – and she explains why she’s still feeling optimistic.

I know how important it is to check your breasts 

When I noticed something on my left breast, I hesitated about going to the GP, but only because we were in a pandemic and I’d had something similar to eczema in this area before. However, I am one for checking yourself and getting to know your boobs, so I still thought it was worth mentioning to the doctor who referred me straight to the hospital. 

Two weeks later, I had a . It turned out there was nothing wrong with my left breast at all – but the other side showed signs of . I knew something was up because I had to have further mammograms an ultrasound and core needle biopsies, all at that first appointment, but I felt calm the whole time. The team were brilliant.  

I had to wait two more weeks for the results. I’m not the most patient person in the world, and waiting that time was the worst bit. 

COVID-19 restrictions made things a bit tricky 

I was told my breast cancer diagnosis was (Ductal Carcinoma in Situ). 

I just thought, okay, how quickly can the team deal with this. I knew they wouldn’t be able to tell me everything until I’d had the surgery, but I came prepared with a list of 22 questions all typed up! 

I asked the surgeon my questions, he was very helpful in answering everything he could. Really, I just wanted to know more about my diagnosis and what, if anything, I could do to help. I just wanted to know what the plan was, which he kindly and calmly explained to me. 

Because I work for the NHS, I know there are good outcomes. I'd just started a training course on cancer journeys, so I didn’t worry too much.  

Due to COVID-19, though, I had to be at all appointments on my own, and there wasn’t any of the usual waiting room chat with other people because of having to wear masks. I noticed it more because I’ve worked in hospitals, I know what these things are usually like. The breast care nurse even said she wished she could give me a hug, but she obviously couldn’t. 

I found practical ways of helping myself 

One of the first things I did to help myself was source a local group: The Ridgeway Breast Care and Support Group. I emailed them and wanted to know as much as I could. I was put in touch with someone who had the same cancer as me. She told me what to expect, which was really helpful. 

The group are excellent. They have a virtual coffee morning regularly, have hosted online quiz night fundraisers, and they also supply wonderful comfort bags to people going through treatment. 

I’ve also been keeping a photo journal throughout my treatment and documented everything. I studied to be a photojournalist, so I’ve found it interesting and quite therapeutic. It’s given me something to focus on. 

I’ve been very lucky with my treatment 

When I went back for my follow-up, the surgeon said they had found and successfully removed a 6mm cancer and a further small area of DCIS. My treatment ended being a therapupeutic mammoplasty, followed by a second procedure with a sentinel node biopsy (which was clear) and then five days of . Now I’m on five years of .  

I was astonished I was treated so quickly, considering it was in the middle of the pandemic. I didn’t even have that ‘Oh no, I have cancer’ moment. It all just happened so quickly. 

It seems strange to say it, but I’ve been very lucky throughout this. I am very lucky that I haven’t felt unwell, I wouldn’t have known about my cancer if I didn't have the mammogram. 

I even managed to fundraise while being treated 

The surgery was sore, I won’t lie, but the aftercare was brilliant, and it all went smoothly. For my first op, I stayed overnight, but for the second one I was out on the same day. I was given some exercises to do for my arm, and I’ve even been able to complete the 1,000 Squat Challenge for Breast Cancer Now while going through treatment. 

I heard about the challenge through Facebook. I saw someone else doing it and I thought, ‘I’ll have a go at that!’ I took a video of myself every day so that people would know I was actually doing it. I even got my husband to record me going out in the snow one day! 

I was rubbish to start with, but I knew that if I was sponsored it would make me do it. I really enjoyed it in the end, it gave me a real sense of achievement. Plus, I beat my fundraising target. I only set myself a £100 bar, but I’ve reached about £230 now. 

I am grateful not to feel ill 

Although I had to attend my appointments and treatment on my own, my husband and three children and my friends have been very supportive. I've been surrounded by the people that I love and we’re working from home, so I've had time to recover. 

My work colleagues have also been very supportive. I’m still here, I’m the same me. I may have wonky boobs, but I’m not ill.  

I know everybody’s journey is different, and I know a lot of people get worried – and there’s no right or wrong way to deal with a cancer diagnosis, it a personal journey. To anyone else going through cancer, I want to say try not to panic. We are so lucky to have our wonderful NHS – they know what they’re doing. They really do care, and they are brilliant. 

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