Smiley photo of Paula

I’m raising funds to help people like me

2 months after her primary breast cancer diagnosis, Paula got the news she had secondary breast cancer. Keeping a positive mindset, Paula’s not letting it stop her and enjoying life as it comes. This year, she’s taking on a Pink Ribbon Walk so more people like her can get support.

Can you tell us a bit about you?

I’m 49 and a mum of 3 wonderful young adults. I love walking and arts and crafts, and I work part-time. I also love floristry which is my trade.

Can you tell us about your diagnosis?

In April 2022, I was diagnosed with primary breast cancer at the age of 47. 2 months later, I confirmed with the hospital that I’d have a single mastectomy and reconstruction, only to find out I now had secondary breast cancer. And it was in my lungs.

I was devastated, but I wouldn't let it stop me from enjoying what time I had left.

Have you reached out for support since your diagnosis?

I reached out to Breast Cancer Now for support, and I’ve been part of its Living with secondary breast cancer face-to-face events in Oxford ever since. And they’ve been amazing. People not only hear my thoughts, but they understand and support them too.

I want more people to get the support I did, so I decided to raise funds for Breast Cancer Now. This year, I’m doing the Blenheim Palace Pink Ribbon Walk in Oxford, taking place on 11 May. My husband, my eldest son, my sister, and 2 of my nephews are walking with me.

How are you fundraising for the walk?

I have a JustGiving page which I share on social media, asking people for support. It’s so easy to set up. My team is called Smaller Paula, as I’m short.

Are you training for the walk?

Training is hard for me because of the secondary breast cancer in my lungs. And the weather has been too cold.

I've been decorating the house so surely that counts as training, right? But once the weather warms up, I'll be walking our dog around the fields again.

What does taking part in the Pink Ribbon Walk mean to you?

The walk will help me appreciate what people do for this worthy charity. I'm grateful to every single person taking part, as it does truly make a difference.

Join Paula, and get your place in a Pink Ribbon Walk

Our Pink Ribbon Walks are 10- and 20-mile routes in stunning countryside locations. They’re a brilliant way to fundraise, take in beautiful sights, and meet supporters like you. Get involved.

Pink Ribbon Walk

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