I lost my sister to secondary breast cancer, but I am continuing what we started together

In 2018, Frances held an Afternoon Tea with her sister, Ange. Sadly, Ange passed away just two months later - but Frances continues to host events in her memory.

In 2018, Frances held an Afternoon Tea with her sister, Ange. Sadly, Ange passed away just two months later - but Frances continues to host events in her memory.

Ange never let breast cancer get in her way

Back in 2018, my lovely sister Ange and I organised our first Afternoon Tea for Breast Cancer Now. We had an amazing time and raised £600!

Sadly, just two months later, Ange passed away from secondary breast cancer.

Ange never let her illness stop her from doing anything. Her positivity and desire to help others affected by breast cancer inspired me to continue offering any support I could, so I decided to continue hosting an annual Afternoon Tea in her memory.

Fundraising is such a perfect way to remember her

For me, knowing people still want to support others suffering this horrible disease, whilst remembering Ange, is the perfect way to raise awareness and support Breast Cancer Now’s life-changing care and world-class research.

That second year around, we had a wonderful day and raised exactly £1000 in her memory, which I was so thrilled with. My highlights of the day were seeing everyone enjoy themselves, the donations coming in and Ange being remembered in a happy way.

I know she would love all her closest friends and family being together, celebrating her life and raising much-needed funds for such a worthy charity.

The support we get is overwhelming

Last year's event was a little different to my previous two, but I asked friends and family to host their own Afternoon Tea parties and donate in Ange’s memory. Support was quite overwhelming and we raised an incredible £1962!

This year, hopefully we can get back to our normal Afternoon Tea parties. We were a little disappointed that last year's event couldn’t go ahead as planned, but it just makes me want to plan a bigger and better event this time around.

My top tip for anyone else wanting to host a tea is to contact all local shops, salons and restaurants etc. for vouchers for your raffle. The more prizes you have, the more tickets are sold and more people can win!


Like Frances, you can support research and care for people with breast cancer by hosting your own Afternoon Tea this August.

Sign up today

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