Jane and friends in pink tops at the Pink Ribbon Walk

I cannot wait for the walk this year. Walking through the beautiful countryside, alongside my friends, is one of my favourite things to do.

Our Pink Ribbon Walks are a great way to get out into the beautiful countryside while fundraising for our world-class research and support. Jane loves taking part so much, this year she's joining us for the 5th time in a row! Hear from Jane and learn about her experience with breast cancer and how she fundraises for the Pink Ribbon Walk.

Can you tell us a bit about your story?

I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012, aged 49. Having lost my mum to breast cancer in 2009, it was a really tough time. I needed surgery and radiotherapy, then life started to go to back to normal. But after my next annual check-up, I was diagnosed with an invasive tumour in my other side.

Now, 10 years later, after a mastectomy, reconstruction and chemotherapy, I’m so happy to be well and cancer-free. I’m so fortunate to have had a wonderful team of doctors, nurses and mammographers and know I can speak to them if I’m worried about anything.

Why did you decide to fundraise for Breast Cancer Now?

Having had cancer in both breasts, I do worry about my daughter and future generations. By supporting this wonderful charity, I feel I’m doing my bit to help those undergoing treatment and those who’ll need it in the future.

I also wanted to fundraise in memory of my wonderful mum, as well as friends who’ve been affected by breast cancer.

Why did you choose the Pink Ribbon Walk?

I’ve done a few of these breast cancer walks now, and loved it, and I can’t wait for this years one. Walking through the beautiful countryside alongside my friends is one of my favourite things to do.

And I think when you ask for a sponsorship, it should be for something that really challenges you, and 20 miles is certainly a challenge for me.

How do you prepare for the challenge?

I walk a lot with my dog anyway, but my friends and I also plan a few longer walks in the months before the event.

How do you fundraise for the Pink Ribbon Walks?

For last year’s breast cancer charity walk, I made some yoga eye pillows and took them along to my yoga class, asking for donations towards my sponsorship.

This year, I hope to do some more sewing to raise money, and host an afternoon tea in my garden.

What would you say to someone thinking about a Pink Ribbon Walk in 2023?

Go for it! You won't regret it. Not only is walking a great way to keep fit, you’ll also meet many like-minded people and probably make some new friends along the way. The event is really well organised with plenty of support along the route, the atmosphere is amazing, and you're helping to save lives. Just do it!


Interested in joining one of our 2023 walks? Find out more.

Pink Ribbon Walk 2023

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