Annika holding her baby Monty

I believed there was no way I would become a mother

Annika believed that she would never have children. She shares how attending a Younger Women Together event changed that.

I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in 2013 at the age of 33.

Following my treatment, I had some fertility tests and was given the heart-breaking news that I would never be able to have children. I was devastated.

At a Younger Women Together event I met a fertility consultant who said that the tests I had may not have been reliable, as they omitted my cancer treatment.

Fast forward a couple of years, my team agreed I could take a break from tamoxifen.

I took fertility tests again and they proved positive. A year later I gave birth to my son, Monty.

Had I not gone on the Younger Women Together event I would have believed my consultant that there was absolutely no way I would become a mother.

I would have never have taken a break from my medication, and I would not now be enjoying my gorgeous little boy.

The Younger Women Together event was life-changing for me. Meeting other younger women going through the same illness and worrying about the same things meant it was the first time I didn't feel alone in my diagnosis.


Find out more

If you're concerned about your fertility, you can read our information on fertility, pregnancy and breast cancer treatment.

Fertility and breast cancer treatment

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