Catrin and Glenda smiling together

Finding breast cancer support in our own language means so much to us

Welsh friends Catrin and Glenda were diagnosed with breast cancer just two years apart. Share why having access to Becca in Welsh is so important to them.

It was a shock to hear ‘you have breast cancer’ 

Catrin: I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015 after a routine mammogram. I felt so shocked, confused and worried, as my mother had died from breast cancer.  

Glenda: I found a lump in my right breast in 2017 and went to the GP the next day. After a , scan and , I was told I had breast cancer. I went into a bubble – it felt like the ground opened and swallowed me up. 

People expect you to return to ‘normal’  

Catrin: When I finished active treatment, it was hard walking out of there. I was anxious because having triple negative breast cancer meant there would be no more treatments, besides six-monthly Zometa sessions for three years. 

Glenda: When treatment ended, I felt alone and anxious. Physical treatment is only a small part of the journey – there’s a gap in the emotional support after the cancer's ‘gone’. People may expect you to return to your normal self, but life’s never the same after cancer. I felt guilty I didn’t feel like the ‘old me’.  

We can rely on each other 

Catrin: I met Glenda through a group of friends six years ago. Our bond is stronger now she’s gone through breast cancer too. It’s a two-way support system. We appreciate each other’s company and understanding. We see films together, have lunch, and always egg each other on and have a laugh. She's a tremendous character. 

Glenda: After treatment, I relied on friends like Catrin, and Breast Cancer Now’s Becca app, to realise the feelings I had were normal. There's nothing like speaking with someone who’s been through it. Catrin, and other friends who’ve had breast cancer, have kept me sane! We have a bond that can’t be broken. I don’t think she realises how instrumental she’s been to my recovery and life after cancer. 

Becca helps you feel like you’re not alone 

Catrin: Breast Cancer Now’s Becca app is an easily accessible, portable, one-stop shop for reliable information. I like reading the blogs – they give you insights into how others are coping after cancer, and help you realise you’re not alone in your feelings. The body image category helped me accept physical loss after surgery. My next Becca tip to try is mindfulness. Being a driven person, I haven’t always been able to appreciate the world around me and take time out. 

Glenda: Catrin introduced me to the Becca app. I read the blogs and get tips for mindfulness. I recently started developing joint pains and found, through Becca, that many suffer these side effects from treatment. I found such comfort in this. It’s helpful to know you’re not the only one experiencing pain. I've also adopted some of Becca's tips for better sleep. 

Catrin and Glenda smiling together

Finding breast cancer support in Welsh is a great comfort 

Catrin: The Becca app means so much to me. And being able to now access it in my mother tongue of Welsh is very important, because you feel more comfortable in your own language. I’ve been bilingual for most of my life, and my family life is mainly in Welsh. The Welsh language is part of my personal, social and cultural identity. 

Glenda: Having Becca in Welsh has made the app more relevant for me. Welsh is my first language and I speak it every day. I haven’t accessed much support in Welsh elsewhere, so it’s comforting being able to access something in your own language. To have this available in my mother tongue is amazing. 

Try Becca

Try Becca’s language switch in settings to use Becca in English or Welsh today. You can download Becca for free in your app store.

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