Image of Marie

Fenjal ambassador, Marie, on her breast cancer story, and our partnership with Fenjal

Marie reached out to us for support after her breast cancer diagnosis, and she’s now one of our incredible supporters. Being a Fenjal ambsassador, Marie connected the dots and opened the door to our partnership with the washing and bathing company.

Can you tell us about your diagnosis? 

In October 2022, I was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer at the age of 45. 

I’d had cysts come and go on my breasts, but this lump didn't feel the same way. So, I immediately booked an appointment with a consultant, and they sent me for a mammogram that day. 2 weeks later, a doctor told me, "This isn’t the news we had hoped for." Then time just stopped for me.

Thankfully, I’d caught the lump early, but despite 16 weeks of intensive chemotherapy, my tumour got bigger. It was one of my operations that finally removed the cancer.  

Photo of Marie

How did breast cancer impact your life?

My life changed in that very moment. I was petrified. Telling my 13-year-old son was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do.  

One of the first things I had to come to terms with was the fact I’d lose my hair. It sounds pretty fickle looking back, but at the time, it was a big deal. Eventually, I decided to take control and shave it off.  

My first chemotherapy treatment hit me hard. I spent up to 9 days in bed after each round. But my second treatment was much less invasive.  

Despite all of this, I never lost my positive outlook. I appreciated that people were going through far worse things. This perspective gave me the strength and determination to get through my chemo.  

Marie with the hospital team

How are you now? 

I feel great. Don’t get me wrong, I still hobble like an old lady and chemo brain is a real thing.  But I’m so aware of even the smallest of things that I’m able to do. 

I think everyone’s biggest fear is reoccurrence. This is one thing I don’t think I’ll ever get better at coping with. The doctor warned me that after you finish treatment you feel a little lost, as if no one is looking out for you. I was lucky that I didn’t feel this at all. It felt euphoric.  

Marie holding an All clear sign

What advice would you give to someone who has just been diagnosed with breast cancer? 

Firstly, I had 2 mantras that got me through my treatment. The first one was ‘put your head down and crack on’ because we have no choice, we have to go through this. The second one was ‘brighter days are coming.’

Secondly, don’t look at your treatment plan end-to-end. Just focus on the next appointment or round of treatment. If you see it as a whole, it’s really overwhelming. 

Finally, remember that you aren’t alone. I gained so much strength from speaking to ladies who were on the same journey or had gone through it. It helped to know I wasn’t the only one feeling this way.  

Why is Fenjal’s partnership with Breast Cancer Now so important? 

Well firstly, the money raised through this partnership is vital to research and will make such a huge difference to the lives of those affected by breast cancer. Secondly, it will raise awareness. 

So many people go through their day-to-day lives without checking their breasts. Hopefully the partnership will be the timely prompt people need to perform those checks. 

The 2 most important things we need to do are raise much-needed funds and educate ladies on what to look for. And this partnership absolutely nails both points. 

Our partnership with Fenjal

Fenjal have donated £50,000 to Breast Cancer Now to fund our vital research and services. Throughout the partnership, they'll be spreading important awareness and raising additional funds with their fabulous communities. Keep an eye on Fenjal's instagram page for more details.

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