Feeling alone and a little lost after breast cancer, Jo signed up to our Moving Forward course

After breast cancer treatment, Jo was worried about leaving her hospital team, who had been her ‘security blanket.’ To get the support she needed, she signed up to one of our Moving Forward courses.

Our Moving Forward courses are safe, friendly spaces to meet similar people and get support on returning to everyday life. You can either sign up to a face-to-face course near you, or join one of our courses online. They're 2 weeks long, and you’ll be in a small group of no more than 15, along with a Moving Forward Facilitator and friendly volunteers.

Jo moving forward

Can you tell us about your breast cancer story?

At 42, I was diagnosed with Stage 2, HER negative, ER+ breast cancer. I remember it like it was yesterday, the bombshell that was dropped from a great height. I'm just thankful I found the lump when I did. Initially, I thought it was just fatty scar tissue, as I had a breast reduction 6 years before.

It played on my mind for some time, before I saw my doctor who fast-tracked my referral. I’m so grateful she did, my story could have been very different if it was left any longer.

Why did you sign up to a Moving Forward course?

After my treatment finished and I was discharged, I was left to go alone until my annual check-up. As elated as I was, I felt very alone and a little lost. The hospital team was my security blanket and that was gone.

My nurse told me about Breast Cancer Now's Moving Forward course, that can help people after breast cancer. I'm so glad I signed up.

What did the course involve, and how did you find it?

The course was over a few sessions and ran by a lady who had been through breast cancer herself. It was such a great experience to chat to similar people, ask questions and know you're not alone. It really brought out a lot of emotion and feelings I'd probably been holding in through treatment. 

It made me feel comfortable and confident about life post-breast cancer and generally getting used to normal life again.

Linda moving forward

How do you think your experience would have been different if you hadn't signed up?

If I hadn't attended the Moving Forward course things may have been very different. I would have never met the people I did and my fears and feelings may have bottled up. Also, my questions would have gone unanswered, not knowing where to turn to for further help and support. Moving Forward gave me everything I needed to know.

What did you enjoy most about the groups?

I loved meeting a lovely group of ladies who formed such a great bond. It was like group therapy with people who just understood each other. We’re still in touch on a WhatsApp group and try to meet every few months. Out of something as awful as breast cancer, I met a wonderful bunch of ladies whom I now call my friends.

What would you say to someone considering a Moving Forward course?

Do it! The thought of a course with people you’ve never met may seem daunting, but you'll make friends for life. I was very sceptical at first, but after the first session, I was hooked. Meeting like-minded people who just 'got it' was such a comfort.

Learn more about our Moving Forward group courses:

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