Emma's diaries

Emma Young is 39 and lives in Hemel Hempstead. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014, but just 5 days later, she got the devastating news it was secondary breast cancer, as it had spread to her bones

There’s currently no cure for secondary breast cancer, but treatments can help slow its progress and lower the chances of it spreading further. 

In her first set of video diaries, Emma shares her experience as one of the 61,000 women living with secondary breast cancer in the UK today, and all the emotions that come with it.

The importance of TLC

Diagnosis and awareness - Emma Young's video diary

Devastatingly, Emma’s breast cancer had already spread to her bones when she was diagnosed.

Four in five women diagnosed with breast cancer are over 50, but it’s important that younger women check their breasts regularly too. The earlier breast cancer is found, the better chance of beating it.

Find out more about TLC (Touch, Look, Check) and the signs and symptoms of breast cancer.

"The gym is now my happy place"

Life with secondary breast cancer - Emma Young's video diary

Being physically active can improve many aspects of your health and wellbeing when you’re living with secondary breast cancer, both mentally and physically.

 "If only it was just cancer"

Feelings, treatment and side effects - Emma Young's diary

As Emma describes, there are lots of mental and physical side effects that come with secondary breast cancer. Palliative care, such as psychological support, rehabilitation services and complementary therapy, should be offered to those living with the illness.

Waves of emotion

Waves of emotion - Emma Young's video diary

Living with secondary breast cancer is very difficult and many people experience periods of feeling down, like Emma. It’s important to talk about these feelings, whether with friends or professionals.

Emotional and psychological support is available. Find out more about our Living with Secondary Breast Cancer services

The dilemma of dating with cancer

Dating with secondary breast cancer - Emma Young's video diary

We're here to help

Knowing how to talk to people about your secondary breast cancer can be hard, especially when dating. See our advice about intimate relationships.

Intimate relationships and breast cancer

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