Breast Cancer Voices illustration

Celebrating 1 year of Breast Cancer Voices

We celebrated 1 year since the relaunch of Breast Cancer Voices, by chatting with 2 of our Voices, rounding up highlights from the first year, and sharing our plans for the next. Our Voices are a network of people who use their lived experiences of breast cancer to shape breast cancer work and research.

Highlights from our first year

Since relaunching Breast Cancer Voices, we've expanded the network to make sure more people affected by breast cancer can share their voice and lived experience. Here are some highlights from the last year:

  • Our network has increased from 667 to 981 Voices. A diverse community, our Voices are from all 4 nations, with a range of skills, expertise and breast cancer experiences
  • To date, our Voices have participated in over 200 projects across Breast Cancer Now, research facilities, universities and more. They've got involved by shaping our work, taking part in research studies and helping design and lead research projects
  • 100% of project leaders who involved Breast Cancer Voices recommend it to others. Here’s what they had to say:

‘By speaking to the Voices, we could make sure decisions were led by what's most important - people affected by breast cancer.’ Daisy Lindlar, brand, marketing and communications – Tone of Voice project

’The George slogan project was completely driven by the Voices positive slogans and affirmations, which got designed into T-shirts and raised money for Breast Cancer Now. The project would have never happened without them.’ Charlotte Mills, corporate partners - Share your slogans on Asda Tickled Pink Partnership

A chat with Fola and Linda

We asked Fola and Linda, 2 of our Voices, why they joined the network and what their favourite moments have been.

Why did you sign up to become a Voice?

Selfie of Fola

Fola: I wanted to raise confidence in women like me who’re going through breast cancer. It can be difficult for younger women to share their ideas and speak out about what’s needed. The Voices network encourages this and is a way to build confidence.

I think it’s important for younger women in minority groups, like me, to have a way to speak out and share their ideas for change, especially on treatment and support on living well after breast cancer.

Smiley photo of Linda

Linda: I got involved in the Service Pledge in 2016. After seeing what that could achieve, I wanted to take on another opportunity so I signed up to become a Voice. I think it's important that we share our experiences and use these for real change.

Can you tell us about one of your highlights of being a Voice so far?

Linda: It was doing a talk on my breast cancer experience at Bradford University, to PhD students, professors, and tutors. Telling them about my story felt so important. I was terrified, but I just got into it, and the comments were wonderful. And what it's done for my confidence has been incredible.

Fola: For me, it’s being part of a lovely project that started last year. It’s wonderful to have meetings with amazing people and get to contribute skills from my own career. It's great to just be involved and it really boosts your confidence.

What would you like to see for the future of the network?

Fola: I think we should look into ways we can reach under-represented communities that feel they've never been heard. We should do deeper research on what they want and what we need to do for them.

Linda: We speak to healthcare professionals about our personal experiences with breast cancer, but I think we’re just dipping our toes in the water with this. We need to do more to remind them that it’s a person on the other end of research and medicine. That's very important to me.

You can watch Fola and Linda share their thoughts, and hear our highlights, on our video presentation.

Our plans for next year

We've been working with our Voices, like Fola and Linda, to develop our plans for next year. In 2024, we'll be focusing on:

  • Growing and diversifying our network
  • Making sure everyone can get involved in our work as much as they want to
  • Sharing our impact so our Voices know the difference they're making

Join Breast Cancer Voices

If you’re interested in being a Breast Cancer Voice, you can join our network. Each month, we'll send you opportunities you can get involved in, and the latest on what our Voices have been up to.

If you’d like to involve Breast Cancer Voices in your work, you can find out more on our support for researchers page.

Breast Cancer Voices

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