Personal Stories

Breast cancer forced me to face my fear head on

Turning one year older made Yvonne reflect on her diagnosis. She talks about her reflections, how far she's come, and using her birthday to give back.

My breast cancer diagnosis came completely out of the blue.

I went in for a routine mammogram, not thinking anything of it. I was asked back for further tests and two weeks later I was told I had breast cancer. I felt completely numb.

I had surgery and a month of radiotherapy. I was terrified about having surgery. I had never had an anesthetic before, and had even been putting off an operation before I was diagnosed because of my fear.

I didn’t have a choice with breast cancer. It forced me to face my fear head on. I look back on it as a positive experience, as strange as it sounds.

When my birthday approached last year, I took time to reflect on how far I had come. I wanted to give something back to everyone who had supported me and helped me move forward from breast cancer.

I decided to use my birthday party to fundraise for Breast Cancer Care and host my own Afternoon Tea. I told my friends and family that I didn’t want any presents, only donations!

I was so glad to be able to host, eat cake and celebrate with my loved ones, all the while raising money for a worthy cause.

Afternoon Tea

Be part of something exciting this July. Join us for an Afternoon Tea and help support people with breast cancer.

Hold an afternoon tea

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