Personal Stories

Being able to support the people who supported me feels amazing

It’s National Volunteers’ Week and today we want to shine a spotlight on Tish, one of our brilliant office volunteers who has been supporting us from home during the pandemic. We are so grateful to the group of people who help us keep on track with our office tasks.

Why did you choose to volunteer with Breast Cancer Now?

I chose to volunteer with Breast Cancer Now because the charity was so fantastically supportive of me through my own diagnosis. I couldn’t imagine a world where I got that news and had to go through all that without the support they provide, so I wanted to give something back, to help ensure other people like me wouldn’t go through it alone.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

The thing I enjoy most about my role is how involved I feel in making a difference. Being able to spend a few hours a week knowing that I’m doing tasks that help support the lovely people who do the fantastic work so that everyone has the support they need is amazing. It doesn’t hurt that everyone is so lovely too!

Why would you recommend people volunteer with Breast Cancer Now?

I would recommend volunteering with Breast Cancer Now because, besides the obvious joy of knowing you’re helping a cause that really matters, and so tangibly makes people’s lives better, the people who make up the charity so clearly value their volunteers and support them that, honestly, it just makes you happy to be there, knowing when you go to sleep at night that you’ve done something good, and smiled the whole time doing it.


Thank you Tish!

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