Mary and Angela holding hands

Angela and Mary, mum and daughter, are taking on The Show after taking on breast cancer together

Mary was diagnosed just 3 weeks after her mum, Angela. Supporting each other whilst trying to look after themselves was tricky to navigate. But going through it together was a big comfort. To celebrate their journeys, they applied for our diverse catwalk, The Show. Find out more about their stories, why they're taking part, and how to watch.

What did your breast cancer journeys look like?

Headshot of Angela

Angela: My right nipple had been inverted for a while, and I knew it could be breast cancer, but I kept putting off getting it checked. After my mammogram, I was diagnosed with a ‘little cancer,’ which turned out to be Grade 2, Stage 2. And I needed a lumpectomy, and more. I can’t stress enough how very important it is to get any change in your breasts checked out as soon as possible. 

Just 3 weeks after, Mary, my daughter, was diagnosed too. It was shocking, more than my own diagnosis. How could my beautiful daughter be diagnosed? She was only 31. I wanted to take away her cancer and give it to me, so she could get on with her life.

Headshot of Mary

Mary: Previously, on 2 different occasions, I was told that a lump that I had found in my breast was a cyst. At that point, we had no family history of breast cancer and I was young, so it didn’t even cross my mind to question the medical professionals. 

After Mum’s diagnosis, I finally had a scan, and it did show cysts, but also a dark mass hiding behind them.  Waiting for the results was horrible; I didn’t tell my parents at first, as Mum was about to start treatment. At the time of my biopsy, I decided to tell them. The results of my biopsy showed that I had Stage 3 breast cancer. Thanks to Mum, we discovered my cancer before it spread even further.

The weeks that followed were chaotic; we were always on the phone trying to decide whether I should come back for treatment or stay in Kenya. 

So much has happened that we could write a book. We’ve been the mum or daughter of a cancer patient, as well as patients ourselves.

How’ve you found going through breast cancer together?

Angela: It was very difficult at first. All I wanted to do was see my little girl, and in my appointments, I just wanted to speak about her. But after a surgeon said “do you want your results or not?’ I realised what I had to do – I had to deal with my cancer before I could help Mary. It was difficult to get my head around.

So there’s been challenges, but going through it together has given us such a special bond. I’ve found such caring and loving support from Mary, and she sent me a beautiful song called ‘Brave’, by Ella Henderson, that I played before my first operation. Sharing music helped us bridge the gap.

Mary and Angela holding hands

Mary: Although I wish Mum hadn’t been diagnosed, it’s been strangely comforting having her go through it with me. But it has been challenging at times. When going through a cancer diagnosis, everyone responds differently and has their own way of processing and dealing with it, and this has been the case for us.

Why did you both decide to take part in The Show?

Mary: We wanted to inspire others, raise awareness of the different signs of breast cancer and how it can affect all ages. We also wanted to celebrate how far we’ve come. After our worlds were turned upside down, The Show has given us something to look forward to.

Angela: Mary said she was applying and asked if I’d like to. I wanted to be alongside her as she walked down the runway, with her head held high. And I wanted to raise awareness, send a positive message to all affected by breast cancer, and celebrate everything my body has gone through.

How are you feeling about The Show now it’s almost here?

Angela: I’m very excited. It's such a lovely thing to think about, after all the emotionally draining times.

Mary: Between applying for The Show and now, so many things have happened in our lives, including my treatment being prolonged. I can’t wait to walk down the catwalk with Mum and celebrate us and everyone else by our sides. 

What would you say to someone considering watching The Show?

Angela: Do it! It will be something wonderful that has come out of real despair! You’ll see so much strength and support, with all the models saying ‘yes’ to life!

Mary: The Show’s a bright light amongst all the darkness breast cancer can bring. It’s sure to be an evening full of love, hope, awareness and resilience. 

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