After I finished treatment, I wanted to give something back

It’s National Volunteers’ Week and today we want to shine a spotlight on Sue, one of our incredible bucket collectors.

Hi Sue. Why did you choose to volunteer with Breast Cancer Now?

I was diagnosed four-and-a-half years ago with Stage 2 Invasive Breast Cancer and had surgery, including some lymph node removal and then two blocks of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The chemo was very tough, especially the second lot and I lost all my hair, eyelashes and eyebrows all in one go.

Although I had support from my immediate family and friends, I had no one to explain or advise me and so I relied a lot on Breast Cancer Now, whose information pack, online and helpline support got me through a very difficult time.

After I finished treatment, I wanted to give something back and one of the things I volunteered for was The Pink Bucket Challenge.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

I wasn't sure about The Pink Bucket Challenge at first as I had lost a lot of confidence and self-esteem and the thought of shaking a bucket in public was very daunting, especially as my hair hadn't quite grown back. I hadn't wanted to even go out, however I knew from experience how important raising money for Breast Cancer Now was, and so I went on my first volunteering challenge with some trepidation! 

I'm so glad I did, as all the volunteers were so friendly and welcoming. Everyone was very happy to donate and very supportive and chatty, and it was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed the day, but the biggest thing for me was that it helped my self-confidence and self-esteem so much and that wasn't something I had expected.

Why would you recommend people volunteer with Breast Cancer Now?

I'd encourage anyone to volunteer for Breast Cancer Now whether you have experience of breast cancer or not. The support they give people like me is invaluable and I wouldn't have got through my diagnosis, treatment or the time following treatment without that essential advice and support.

Of course, all that costs money and so raising funds is vital. It's a real lifeline for so many. It's also great fun and you meet some lovely people. You won't regret volunteering!


Thank you Sue! If you want to get involved in fundraising in your community, you can visit our fundraising webpage or email for all the information you need to get started. 

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