Collecting data will help improve breast cancer services

As NHS England and Department of Health are criticised by MPs for lagging behind in improvements in cancer services we're highlighting the need to collect vital data so that services can be properly planned.

As NHS England and Department of Health are criticised by MPs for lagging behind in improvements in cancer services we're highlighting the need to collect vital data so that services can be properly planned.

The cross-party Commons Public Accounts Committee is reported as saying that although the number of people diagnosed with cancer continues to increase leadership has been lost the support for commissioners and providers to drive improvement has been reduced and fragmentation of accountability has made progress more difficult.

Data gap

Diana Jupp our Director of Services and Campaigns said:

It is a great concern to hear that the improvement of cancer services has lost momentum in the last two years on both a national and local level.

One of the key data gaps is that we still don't know how many people are living with secondary breast cancer which is incurable in the UK today. This means that it is impossible to plan the right health services to meet patients' needs.

People living with secondary breast cancer regularly tell us they are not getting essential care and support which can cause a great deal of anger and distress.

Unless these issues are urgently addressed we will never reach the goal for the UK to be the best in Europe for cancer care.

We’re here to help

If you're affected by this issue and would like to talk to a breast cancer expert about this or any other breast cancer or breast health concern call us free on 0808 800 6000.

Read our full statement here.

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