12,203 signatures for Perjeta in Scotland

This week marks the climax of our campaign to make Perjeta available on Scotland’s NHS, as we handed a petition with an incredible 12,203 signatures to the Scottish Medicines Consortium, drug company Roche and the Scottish Government. Thank you so much to everyone that got involved!

Perjeta is an extraordinary drug which can offer women with incurable breast cancer nearly 16 extra months of life compared to other treatments.

Perjeta is routinely available on the NHS for treating secondary breast cancer in other parts of the UK but has been rejected for routine use three times by the SMC in Scotland. 

In May 2018, we launched our Perjeta Now campaign to call for the SMC, Roche and the Scottish Government to urgently work together to ensure Scottish women with HER 2-positive incurable breast cancer are able to routinely access this drug, just like women in other parts of the UK. 

Women like Jen Hardy and Suzanne Hickling told us their stories and, because of them, our campaign attracted the attention of politicians and the media. MSPs brought it to the attention of decision makers – including the First Minister, and the campaign made it onto the front pages of the Daily Record.

Because of our campaigning, progress was made and Roche resubmitted its application to the SMC. The future of Perjeta in Scotland is currently in their hands. 

When can we expect a decision?

The SMC Committee are meeting on Tuesday 4‌th December to consider Perjeta for secondary breast cancer. It is expected that the public decision on Perjeta will be made in January 2019.

We will let you know any news about Perjeta as soon as we can. Find out more about our Perjeta campaign.

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