Top tips for self-care

We picked out your top self-care tips that you have shared with us.

We picked out your top self-care tips that you have shared with us.

It can be easy to get overwhelmed. While it’s good to care for your body, it’s just as important to care for your mind.

This month, we focused on the importance of self-care, and asked our community to share their top tips on looking after yourself after breast cancer treatment.

Jude: friendships have helped

‘Recovery for me has been very, very difficult. Particularly going back to work. Help has come in the form of Breast Cancer Care nurses, Someone Like Me volunteers and friendships made at workshops. Don't be too proud. Get yourself help. It's so painful without it.’

Gem: you don’t need fancy gadgets

‘Tap in to something you can do without any fancy gadgets, like yoga, mindfulness, singing, running... anything you can do that helps your mental wellbeing as well as physical.’

Rebecca: I can boost my body image

‘My secondary breast cancer may have caused irreversible physical changes, but, rather than focus on that, I think about ways in which I have the power to control my appearance. And that is a great boost to my sense of body image.’

Pat: allow yourself time to process emotions

‘Be kind to yourself is my tip. Take care of your skin, your mental and your physical health. take time to relax and become aware of how you are feeling, allow yourself time to indulge that feeling before moving on from it.’

Meryl: actions speak volumes

‘Let people help. They don’t always know what to say, but action speaks volumes.’

Della: take one step at a time

‘After I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I wanted to do my best to take care of myself by exercising.

‘My advice to people who are getting started with exercise after treatment is to take one step at a time, and to do something you like doing. If you enjoy what you’re doing and it makes you feel good, you’re more likely to keep with it.’

Nadeen: make time for yourself

‘Always make time for yourself. Be it a bubble bath with candles, ear buds in while listening to your favourite tunes or having a group cuddle with the ones you love.’

Sara: writing helps me come to terms with what’s happened

‘Sometimes the cancer stuff can start to go a bit crazy in your head. Not only are you trying to recover physically, but you also have a lot of mental issues to deal with.

‘I was never a writer, but I found myself writing about my experience during my treatment and I haven’t stopped since. For me, writing is helping me to come to terms with what has happened.’

If you're not sure where to start with self-care, our toolkit may help you get started.

Self-care toolkit

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