Perjeta approved for secondary breast cancer on NHS in Scotland

Perjeta can be life-changing for women with incurable secondary breast cancer – offering nearly 16 precious extra months of life on average, compared to existing medicines. 

Perjeta is only available thanks to our supporters

Although Perjeta is already available for routine use in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, it has been rejected for use in Scotland three times by the Scottish Medicines Consortium.

The decision to approve Perjeta for use in Scotland happened thanks to our ‘Perjeta Now’ campaign - backed by 12,203 amazing people who signed our petition. It called on drug manufacturer Roche, the Scottish Government and the Scottish Medicines Consortium to secure a deal to make the drug available to breast cancer patients in Scotland.

Suzanne Hickling, one of our campaigners, said:

I’m absolutely thrilled with the SMC’s decision and I’m proud to have been part of a campaign that helped make this happen. Thank you to everyone who has supported our campaign and helped make this life-changing drug available in Scotland.

Thank you

‘Perjeta Now’ is a great example of the difference we can make when we work together to improve services for breast cancer patients.

This decision will have a profound and far-reaching impact for Scottish women and their families. We are so grateful to our supporters who helped make this happen. 

If you want to get more involved in our campaigning, please join our Breast Cancer Now Action Network on Facebook.

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