Five hashtags connecting people with breast cancer

Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis can be a lonely time. We share the five hashtags that are connecting people affected by breast cancer on social media.

Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis can be a lonely time. We share the five hashtags that are connecting people affected by breast cancer on social media. 


After having a mastectomy, many people opt for reconstruction. However, there is now a movement of women who have chosen not to have reconstruction, and instead have decided to ‘go flat’.  

The #goingflat hashtag is there to offer support to people in this position, and to show them that women don’t need breasts to be beautiful. By following along, you can read stories from people who have ‘gone flat’, get tips on everything from changing your style to dealing with scar tissue, and connect with others who are preparing for surgery


This hashtag is for anyone who has been diagnosed with secondary (or metastatic) breast cancer. It exists to allow anyone living with secondary breast cancer to highlight the good days, and offer support or solidarity in the bad ones.  

Living with a secondary diagnosis may feel quite lonely at times, and this hashtag is an excellent way of connecting with others through social media.  


Breast cancer chat worldwide, or #bccww, is a hashtag used to share the stories, thoughts and feelings of those living with breast cancer. All sorts of people use the tag, whether they have primary or secondary breast cancer. The one common factor shared by everyone is that they know what it is like to live with cancer. 

This hashtag is particularly useful if you have any questions that could be answered by someone who has been in a similar situation, especially on Twitter. 


Of all the hashtags listed here, #BCSM (Breast Cancer Social Media) has the biggest following. It is an online community deliberately set up to unite, educate and empower people affected by breast cancer. A quick scroll through Instagram will show you infographics of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, inspiring selfies from women post-surgery and helpful tips on how to deal with common problems like fatigue and scanxiety.  

#BCSM has an extensive global reach, with people using the tag on practically every continent.  


Breast cancer is not common in people under the age of 45, so being diagnosed at a younger age can be very isolating. The #YoungAdultCancer hashtag is particularly useful for people who might feel alone, as it provides a sense of unity and understanding that is specific to a younger age group. 

The solidarity in this community is particularly strong, making it a great place to turn to if you’re feeling a little lost. 


If you’re looking for someone to talk to outside of social media, our forum is here for you to ask questions and get the support you need. 

Breast Cancer Now forum 

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