1. Understanding your diagnosis
Cancer grade
You may be told your cancer is grade 1, 2 or 3. Find out what this means.
Breast cancer size
The size of the breast cancer can help your treatment team decide what treatment to offer you.
Breast cancer stages
The stage of a cancer describes the size of the cancer and how far it has spread.
Hormone receptors
Some breast cancers use hormones in the body to help them grow.
HER2 is a protein that helps some breast cancers to grow. Find out more.
2. Getting the information you need
Questions to ask about your breast cancer
Things you may want to ask about your diagnosis and treatment, plus preparing for appointments.
Prognosis describes the likely course and outcome of your breast cancer. Find out more.
Your pathology results
Your pathology results helps determine the treatment you’re offered.
3. Coping with breast cancer
Coping with breast cancer emotionally
There’s no right or wrong way to feel after a diagnosis of breast cancer.
Stress and anxiety
After a diagnosis of breast cancer, you may feel anxious or stressed.