
Find out what breast cancer is, the signs and symptoms to be aware of, and what may increase or lower your risk of breast cancer.

A young woman with long curly black hair wearing a light blue vest, checks her under arm breast area in the mirror
Healthcare Information

Signs and symptoms of breast cancer

Read our guide to breast cancer symptoms. Plus, what to check for, how to check, and what to do if you spot a breast change.

Healthcare Information

Breast cancer in families

Most breast cancers are not inherited, but some people have an increased risk because of their family history. Find out more.

Quality Assurance

Last reviewed in January 2025. The next planned review begins in January 2026.

Get support

  • support-cta-icon-telephone

    Call our free helpline

    If you have any concerns about breast cancer, or just want to talk, our specialist nurses are here for you.

    Lines open: Monday to Friday - 9am to 4pm; Saturday - 9am to 1pm

  • support-cta-icon-email

    Explore ways to talk to our nurses

    It can be difficult to talk to someone in person about breast cancer concerns. Explore other ways you can ask a question.

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